“Credibility from the grass roots to the board”. Craig N. Sales Director
When I started my career in 1981 at the age of 15, I never imagined I’d end up owning my own business. After all, I was the fastest bubble bath mixer in Europe back then (true) 🙂
Eight years of drifting through roles in manufacturing, sales and construction led to my first role as a people manager. I did 10 years of learning in that role, and if I’m honest, most of it was done the hard way.
I always got to the stage where I felt the need to move on. I was no longer inspired by what I was doing and ‘needed something more’. That’s when it happened, I landed a job in training.
Progressing from a health & safety trainer in a FTSE 100 business through to Leadership and Management Development Training Manager in a FTSE 250 organisation before ending up here, running my own learning and development business. A 20 year, continuing journey that still leaves me feeling inspired, challenged and fulfilled – I believe it’s known as a ‘calling’.
Whether it’s working with the management team at the AA, the team leaders at Autotrail, the graduates at BT, the students at Sheffield Hallam University or the Regional Directors at SIG one thing is clear – regardless of background, education or career path chosen, people have incredible potential. Our job is to help people realise that potential, something we’re passionate about, and good at apparently.
Not being a fan of blowing our own trumpet, we believe we have some justification when we say:
JAMES Learning & Development are experts in Leadership, Management and Personal Development.
Why ‘JAMES’?
The name JAMES is a mnemonic:
Joe – That’ll be me, the one who has just spent three days finding out he’s better at people development than writing an ‘About Us’ page.
Andy –Â My youngest son and favourite child.
Mark – My oldest son and favourite child.
Emma – My only daughter and favourite child.
Susan – my soul mate and life partner since 1985 – I would not be who I am today if it wasn’t for Sue.
If we’re fortunate enough to work together in the future, I may well tell you the story behind the logo too!
Why not get in touch?
Send us an email today or give us a call 07450 58 58 39 – it’d be good to talk about how we can help your people to grow.
Thank you for your interest in JAMES Learning & Development Ltd and whatever you’re doing, have a great day doing it.
“I’ve worked with L&D people all over the world and none of them have a way with people like you do – it’s incredible“. Rob C. HR Director